Horario de operación del Sistema TransMilenio:

Lunes-Viernes: 04:00-23:00 Sábado: 04:00-23:00 Domingo-Festivos: 05:00-22:00

¡Atención! Alternativas de viaje para los usuarios y usuarias de la estación Calle 72 debido a que deja de operar por construcción del Metro. Conozca los detalles.

Noticias Generales

Objectives of the Integrated Management System

Objectives of the Integrated Management System

The objectives of the Integrated Management System TRANSMILENIO SA are consistent with the Integrated Management Policy, have been disseminated to all levels of the institution and are: ? Improve the level of customer satisfaction ? Improve the perceived safety of users ? Reduce accidents in the System ? Maintain standards of reliability and timeliness in providing the servic....

Integrated Management Policy

Integrated Management Policy

The Integrated Management Policy sets out guidelines to follow regarding (QMS), the environment (SGA) and the safety and health of the actors TransMilenio System (OH & S....

Investment Projects

Capital projects represent proposals for action which is allocated resources (financial, human, technical, et....

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

By means of Agreement N....

Anti-Corruption Plan

Anti-Corruption Plan

The Anti-Corruption Plan Transmilenio SA, aims to establish effective mechanisms that contribute to the fight against corruption, through the formulation and implementation of a series of activities and specific strategies, in accordance with existing regulations on the subject-oriented one Comprehensive Institutional Management and Transparen....

Plan of Action

Plan of Action

The Action Plan is a management tool for the management and programming and control of the annual implementation of activities to be carried out each of the dependencies of Transmilenio SA, to comply with established strategies and project....

Dependency Directories

Functional Dependencies Directory 220300 PBX - FAX 3249870/80

Salary Scales

Here are the pay scales of the Carrier of the Third Millennium TRANSMILENIO SA for public officials and state employee....

Organization Chart

According to the 2011 Agreement 002 Board of Transmilenio SA, the internal organization of the company is divided into three management areas: Top Management, Integration Management, Management and Operation Contro....



Being the organization that manages the operation of the Integrated Public Transport System to provide quality, efficient and sustainable public transport demand in the Capital District and its area of influence, contributing to economic and social development through the joint action of the public and private, becoming a model nationally and internationall....

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